'Marry Me' Season 1, Episode 13: 'Change Me' Recap

'Marry Me'  Season 1, Episode 13: 'Change Me' Recap Jake argues with Annie about throwing stuff in the fridge out, but she resists. However when Kay comes over and says the same thing, Annie is totally on board.

Kay is annoyed because her new girlfriend is planning an amazing Valentine's Day, which means Kay has to do something awesome for her as well.

At Annie's dad's President's Day party (yup.), Annie once again ends up agreeing with Kay after denying Jake on an issue. Gil burns his face on popcorn, and becomes bros with the fireman sent to fix him up. Deenah also hits it off with him, but he has to go answer another call before either can get his information.

Jake asks Kay for help - if she can help get Annie to change a few things, he will help her plan a great Valentine's for Hailey. Kay agrees, and it goes well. Annie begins changing her habits that annoy Jake... until Kay goes too far and Annie catches on. Annie enlists Kay to help her change a few things about Jake. That works too.

Dennah calls 911 and tries to get her firefighter, but fails. She gets a small lead, however. She and Gil go to the Kevin's and get their permission to call 911 and try again. They try to get Dennah's toe stuck in the bathtub, and are forced to admit they're being a little desperate. Dennah has never been alone on Valentine's Day. They decide to just celebrate Palentine's Day. They go out to eat, and someone near them has a heart attack. Their firefighter appears!

Jake ends up telling Annie he loves her more than ever, which pisses her off. She calls him out on using Kay against her, and points out that Kay has made him change too. The Kevins walk in on them fighting, and tell them to put criticisms into a "compliment sandwich."

Jake and Annie stay in for Valentine's Day... somehow Kay has manipulated them into thinking the other wanted to stay in, and she stole their amazing dinner reservations for her and Hailey.