'Marry Me' Season 1, Episode 11: 'Friend Me' Recap

'Marry Me'  Season 1, Episode 11: 'Friend Me' Recap At lunch, Annie asks Dennah and Kay to be her bridesmaids. She finds out she is having nine bridesmaids, but Jake only has Gil. She wants Jake to rustle up some more groomsman.

Gil is on a diet, drinking shakes which are surprisingly delicious. Even Dennah likes them. In fact Gil recruits her to sell them. Later as she's trying to sell her own shakes, Kay informs her she's in a pyramid scheme. She goes to Gil and finds he is in over his head with shakes... so they track down the regional manager (a simple housewife) and try to get out of their shake sales, but end up being convinced to buy more boxes to sell.

Feeling bad about his lack of companionship, Annie manages to get Jake's old college "boyz" to meet up with him as a surprise. As soon as she leaves, however, it's clear that Jake and his "boyz" have had a falling out and were faking their excitement to see each other again.

It turns out that when Annie and Jake had broken up in the past, the boyz talked smack about her. So when they got back together, Jake was angry with them. After talking it out though, Jake realizes none of them had any issue with Annie, they were just trying to support him. They all make up and have an alcohol-soaked reunion.

They drink all night until Annie wakes up and reminds Jake they're meeting with a wedding photographer.

All week, Jake is off getting drunk with his friends. During a bar crawl, he starts to ask them to be his groomsman, but then notices a girl from college. They invited her - someone Jake used to hook up with. They tell him not to marry Annie and to go talk to Susie. Jake has a second falling out with his boyz over Annie.

Jake tries to make a new group of guys, but it falls flat. Annie goes to confront the boyz, which turns into an argument about who knows Jake better. Which turns into a drinking game. They go head to head, until Annie's final question... would Jake be supportive of them in the same situation?

Yes of course. They agree to squash all beef, impressed by Annie's love for Jake and drinking ability.

Dennah and Gil solve their shake problem by targeting dumb men with money and using Dennah as bait... they sell all their shakes to the boyz.