'Marry Me' Pilot Recap

'Marry Me'  Pilot Recap Annie and Jake return from a great trip for their 6-year anniversary. Jake wants to go take a nap. Annie wants to grab a drink. As she fusses in the kitchen, she begins exploding about him not proposing, although behind her, he has grabbed a ring and is kneeling. She goes on and on without looking, dragging in his "garbage" friends and his mother and going off about everyone, even her own best friend. Finally she turns after he swears at her to look, and says yes.

The friends, and mother, who have been hiding in the apartment come out to "celebrate."

It's the worst engagement party ever. Annie asks Jake, who goes to leave too when it's over, if they're still engaged and he says no, that he wants to try again later so this doesn't have to be their story.

6 years earlier: Annie sits on a bench, while behind her at a Mexican restaurant, Jake eats. He gets her attention. She tells him that the restaurant gives money to homophobic organizations and her dads are gay, so he dumps his food in the trash and goes to sit with her... as the waitress is bringing up her take-out order.

Annie talks with her best friend, trying to figure out a way to really blow things up and get engaged while distracting people from how badly it went the first time. She decides to propose to him. She goes to his work and apologizes for messing it up, and talks about their trip, and proposes. Jake says yes.

And then he is fired, because that week in Mexico? He told his boss his father was dying.

Jake storms off leaving Annie to go to the engagement party herself. He goes to the restaurant where they met, and thinks about how, after one year of dating, Annie sang karaoke to him but got anxious about singing "I Will Always Love You" since they hadn't said "I love you yet." Jake tells her he loves her.

Annie calls him as he is about to go to her, and he apologizes. She wonders if any of this is a sign they shouldn't get married. They realize neither one of them went to the engagement party - in fact, they are at the same restaurant. They take that as their sign, and Jake proposes again.

They run to the engagement party, which is breaking up with everyone frustrated