Mark Hamill Trolls Trump as The Joker, Gets No Response

Mark Hamill Trolls Trump as The Joker, Gets No Response

If Mark Hamill was hoping to provoke tweets from Donald Trump by mocking the soon-to-be President, he was disappointed this week. The Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope actor tweeted a new audio post on Monday in which he read some of Trump's tweets inthe voice of The Joker from Batman: The Animated Series. It seemed designed to poke Trump, but Trump, uncharacteristically, didn't take the bait.

Hamill's recording this week was the second time that he mocked Trump using the character he's played in several different animated Batman projects. This time, the tweets he read were those in which Trump attacked Civil Rights icon Congressman John Lewis. The first time around, Hamill reinterpreted Trump's tweet-criticism of actress Meryl Streep.


Trump, who never fails to respond whenever Alec Baldwin lampoons him on Saturday Night Live, let Hamill's dig pass without comment. Perhaps he missed it, or perhaps he thought better of calling Luke Skywalker an overrrated, very bad Jedi.