'Manhattan Love Story' Season 1, Episode 9, 'Happy Thanksmas' Recap

'Manhattan Love Story'  Season 1, Episode 9, 'Happy Thanksmas' Recap Peter thinks he has gotten away with not quite having Dana at Thanksgiving - he waited long enough for her to say she had plans before inviting her. Boom, he gets the credit without having her there.

Dana isn't sure what to make of that, and Tucker calls Peter out on it as Dana explains the situation. She's still not totally confident.

Peter lays it on thick that he's sad she won't be coming, but Dana becomes more convinced he doesn't actually want her there. That doesn't bode well when her flight home is canceled. Peter reluctantly invites her back to the loft to celebrate with his family.

Thus, Dana finds out the real reason Peter didn't want her to come to Thanksgiving... his family celebrates "Thanksmas," and it is weird. William does a mash up of Thanksgiving and Christmas because his many marriages mean that his family holidays get broken up.

David, meanwhile, makes the worst cookies ever, as per tradition. He doesn't eat them because he is allergic, but insists on making them every year while everyone chokes them down. Chloe's mom tries to set her up with a man every year, so this year Chloe is pretending to be a lesbian, not realizing that her mother has brought a female as her date. Amy tries to walk the line of getting drunk but not too drunk and tends to fail, as she is not allowed to host the party at her own home. William drinks too much whiskey and generally wants to wrestle his sons by the end of the evening.

Dana decides she can help end this terrible tradition. Peter distracts David and she salvages the cookie dough. As Chloe and her mother are fighting about the date she has brought, Dana suggests karaoke, and draws everyone's attention to that. Amy, able to relax for a moment, reaches just the right level of drunkeness.

Unfortunately, it doesn't last. Everything breaks and spirals out of control, ending with David tasting one of his own cookies to see why the second batch somehow turned out so much worse than the first, and has an allergic reaction. He is taken to the hospital.

Dana apologizes to Peter for ruining it, but he thinks it went better than usual, and besides, having her there made everything more fun.