'Manhattan Love Story' Season 1, Episode 7, 'Plus One' Recap

'Manhattan Love Story'  Season 1, Episode 7, 'Plus One' Recap A giant storm is going to hit New York, so Peter starts packing for the "storm party" his family will inevitably throw, where they drink and pretend they're in a movie.

Dana is having a bad time with New York, meanwhile. She's starting to feel like she doesn't belong. She runs off to move her car, which of course turns into a ticket. She refuses to sell the car, however.

Things turn around when Dana is given her first manuscript to edit. Unfortunately, it's "lady porn."

As Peter heads off to his storm party, Dana goes to the office, where she plans to hash out the book before the deadline and prove she is capable of being a great editor.

Peter shows up to surprise her with dinner, which is very sweet, but she is already stressing she won't be able to complete the book quickly enough. Things get more frustrating when David and Amy take it upon themselves to show up to the office as well, having to evacuate their loft for the storm. Dana realizes her car is in the flood zone, and freaks, but Peter helpfully offers to move it for her so she can work on her book. Chloe and William show up, disappointed by the lame party, and Dana's concentration level is even worse.

He admits to David that he's kind of worried Dana wants to keep the car so she can escape New York one day, since she is having such a hard time adjusting. He also admits he doesn't know how to drive, let alone a stick. However he manages to finally park it, and he and David go to head back. However, he forgot to put the parking brake on, and the car crashes into a dumpster.

At the office, the power goes out, and Dana's manuscript edits are lost. Panicked, she grabs a typewriter off the "wall" and starts to do them manually. Everyone grabs a typewriter and helps her, managing to hash out the edits by candle light.

Dana decides, much like the parking signs in New York, signs mean nothing, and she is happy to stay.