'Manhattan Love Story' Season 1, Episode 6: 'Empire State of Mind Strikes Back' Recap

'Manhattan Love Story'  Season 1, Episode 6: 'Empire State of Mind Strikes Back' Recap Peter has tickets for the weekend, but Dana lies about a work conference. Peter invites himself along for the weekend, trapping her.

Peter goes on the trip with Dana, who is finally forced to admit that it not a work trip, but in fact she enjoys LARPing. Live Action Role Play. And she takes it very seriously.

He goes to the tournament to watch her, but gets bored and goes off in search of cell service to put a call into work. He finds Dana in the woods defending her kingdom, but his cell phone useage gets them both thrown in "jail."

Peter is focused on getting his cell phone call completed. Back at home, David, William, and Chloe are stuck dealing with a coach who has only ever been loyal to Peter (and happens to have coached the kids in school). If she doesn't have Peter to close the trophy deal, they may fail.

Dana is released, but the jailer tells Peter that she is sentenced to death. The character Dana has been crafting for years will be detroyed. While Peter thinks it's stupid, he knows it's important to her.

Peter "breaks out" of the jail. He fake fights his way to where his elf queen is about to be executed, and rescues her.

Dana trades him for six prisoners and sends him off to die (and get ready for dinner in the real world).

David manages to muster up a speech for the coach, who, in the end, makes the deal, but only out of residual loyalty to Peter. Peter and Dana enjoy the rest of their romantic weekend, even though Peter now thinks Dana is a huge adorable nerd.