'Manhattan Love Story' Season 1, Episode 5: 'Sex Actually' Recap

'Manhattan Love Story'  Season 1, Episode 5: 'Sex Actually' Recap When Dana meets Peter at his apartment, she mentions the fact that they have been dating a while now, and haven't had sex. She thinks the universe is conspiring against them, so they should just do it before dinner before something manages to go horribly wrong. As they're about to get down to business, however, it somehow becomes an argument on the movie "Love Actually." It happens to be Dana's favorite romantic movie. That turns into an argument about Peter's graphic novels. Sex does not happen.

He touches on the issue briefly with his brother and sister, who decide to take his phone when he's not looking and "fix" things. David apologizes profusely to Dana, who is getting a snack with Tucker. Tucker decides to take the phone and reply. David ends up setting up a movie double date.

To be fair, Dana tries to read a graphic novel for Peter. He appreciates her effort, and watches the movie, which he pretends not to hate. He tries to bring Dana back to his place, but before they can leave, Amy and David renew one of their original fights, and they get stuck. Finally they flee, but end up arguing about whether Amy and David's fight over ice cream was valid. They always seem to find themselves in a bad situation right before sex. Dana thinks maybe it's them. Peter leaves in a taxi.

Chloe tells Peter that he is self sabotaging, because he senses that this relationship is something different.

Peter goes to Dana's office and stands outside her meeting room, with big cards apologizing (a la "Love Actually" duh). She decides to "go home sick" and then run off to have sex. And it finally goes right.

At work, William is in a Yelp fight with someone who continues to give them bad reviews, though seems a fan of "sultry" Chloe. He stalks him to his favorite food stand, and finds that his Internet enemy is a kid. He promises to take down the bad reviews if Chloe will go to Homecoming with him. Her father forces her to do so, and their Yelp reviews are salvaged.