'Manhattan Love Story' Season 1, Episode 3: 'Gay or British?' Recap

'Manhattan Love Story'  Season 1, Episode 3: 'Gay or British?' Recap Peter and Dana enjoy a day out, crossing more items off her bucket list. She even buys a knock-off purse, though Peter tells her it's a fake.

Amy confirms this when she gets back, disappointing Dana, who still seems determined to believe the best of people. Amy tries to give her tickets to Kinky Boots, and Dana realizes she's trying to get rid of her. Amy explains that they are having a dinner party that was planned well before Dana arrived, and that Peter had already planned to bring someone.

Dana says she's fine with that but still wants to come. Amy insists she keep the numbers even, in that case, and find a good date to bring.

At the office, Chloe and Peter point out to David that the ballroom trophy he designed looks... well, inappropriate. He panics.

Dana's office moves her to a cubicle on another floor, where her neighbors ignore her. That is, except the charming British Tucker Potter, who introduces himself and seems lovely (and handsome). She is flirting and teasing with Tucker when Peter comes to visit her and observes it.

He offers to blow off his date for the party and go with Dana, but she says she will bring her own date. She points out that if he really wanted to go with her, he could have asked her before she found out about the party on her own. Sound logic.

Yet Peter stresses about the situation, annoying David. He's worried about Dana not having a date, as David assures him she does not.

Amy, however, pushes Dana into inviting Tucker, who accepts.

As David is about to be reprimanded by his father, Chloe pops in to tell them that the trophies have been sold at a profit to the AVA's (adult video awards), and David is saved.

Peter arrives at the party having canceled his date, thinking Dana would be single. She is happy to introduce the smooth Tucker to him. Peter becomes very jealous and begins drinking. Horrified that her numbers are off, Amy insists one of the servers change and be Peter's date.

Dana shows off Tucker to Amy, who points out that Tucker is gay. Dana is mortified and hopes Peter won't notice, but Tucker, who is chatting with Peter, actually thinks he is there to be set up with Peter. Peter goes to rub it in Dana's face, but at the last minute stops himself, and takes the high road.

He leaves after the waitress is disappointed that she was being set up with him and not Tucker, but maintains his dignity, and invites Dana out for another day.