'Manhattan Love Story' Season 1, Episode 2: 'In the Mix, on the Books, and in the Freezer' Recap

'Manhattan Love Story'  Season 1, Episode 2: 'In the Mix, on the Books, and in the Freezer' Recap

David gets ready to go golfing... with Peter. He comes to pick his brother up and Dana, still in her pajamas, is forced to greet him. He invites her to dinner the next night. Amy tries to get Dana to say no and pretend like she has a social life but Dana misses the clue. Peter realizes he has plans for the next day so they push it to later in the week.

Dana is exicted. Things are going well with Peter and they're having a lot of nice moments.

It's Bonus Day at work; David, Chloe, and Peter bet who will get more that year. Their father passes out the checks, reminding them to keep things quiet.

Dana is shopping for lingerie the next day when she sees Peter outside... on a date. She awkwardly goes to say hello, and is introduced as his friend. It's super uncomfortable, so she tries to flee, but is accused of trying to steal panties. Peter offers to buy them for her, and Dana is mortified.

She tells Amy what happened and Amy explains that in New York, people have a "mix" while dating. She tries to get Dana to have a mix, and forces her on Tinder.

Peter wants information on how Dana handled their encounter from David, and offers to swap bonus information for it. He doesn't want to ruin things with her.

On their date, Dana seems fine, and when he brings it up, says she can't be one to judge. He presses and she admits she has dates set up as well. They get into an argument about it, and she leaves before dinner.

Amy tells her he wouldn't be upset if he didn't care, but Dana is furious, and sets up a string of online dates.

David wants to know if Peter makes more money and that's why his bonus is bigger, and tells Peter about Dana's dates she has set up in exchange (Peter makes more, David's bonus was bigger). Peter begins gloating about making more, and their father overhears, and scolds them firmly.

After they leave he admits to his daughter Chloe that he pays them at random, as their paranoia makes them work harder to outdo each other.

Dana goes on her date and meets Henry, who is twitchy and wants to go somwhere else, but she wants to stay. It turns out it's not Henry, it's just a guy who saw an opening. Her real date goes in for a kiss right off the bat - a move called the Shock and Awe. Dana falls off her chair and flees.

She goes back to the apartment, where Peter is up pretending to play cards with David. Amy tells them to both grow up about the situation.

Dana tells Peter about her bad date, and the kiss move. He laughs, and then uses the move. It's less shock and more awe. He tells her he thinks that he cares about what she thinks a lot and that's why they fight so much. He's not ready to be in a serious relationship and wishes he could put her in the freezer until he is.

She tells him they should just take it slow and day by day... and not tell each other if they're dating other people.