'Manhattan Love Story' Season 1, Episode 11, 'Let it Go' Recap

'Manhattan Love Story'  Season 1, Episode 11, 'Let it Go' Recap Colin has arrived! He got Dana's email saying she didn't want to be in contact anymore, and was concerned. He also happened to be giving a lecture, so he thought he would check in on her.

Peter is territorial. Colin ends up inviting them to his lecture, and Peter agrees to go with Dana. They go to the lecture at the art museum, and Peter drinks more than he should. Afterwards, he asks Colin what he intends to do, and Colin freely admits that he plans to try to steal Dana. Pushed too far, Peter shoves Colin and causes a scene. He tells Dana he doesn't know what she saw in him, citing boring things Colin likes... unfortunately those are also things Dana likes.

Chloe is having major issues in the dating world. David suggests she try out "The Trophy," a large and unspecified trophy which is like a magnet to women at the bar. He takes it out to demonstrate, and gets a number almost instantly. Chloe, once dubious, decides to give it a shot. It works - a guy comes up to her, she lies about the trophy, and goes home with him. But it's not what she wants. It's just a one-nighter. Her family admits that's basically all the Trophy is good for... as Chloe wanders off to try yet another dating site, the delivery guy, who has overheard, asks her out.

Colin goes to see Dana at Amy's loft, and admits that Peter is right - he does want to get back together with Dana. He offers her a key. He has rented an apartment, and, if she will move in with him, he will stay in New York. He admits he should have followed her there in the first place. She wants time to think.

Having eavesdropped, Amy goes to Peter's and tells him it's time for a big gesture. Peter goes to Dana with flowers, wet from the rain, and tries to apologize, but she is put off by his gestures. She thinks that it should be easy, and he shouldn't have to make some big apology every few days. She reiterates that she needs time to think.

Amy, of course overhearing, reminds Dana that she seems much happier with Peter. Peter comes back and apologizes for the big gesture. He says that if you love someone you have to set them free, so she can be free, and he just hopes she will come back to him. She doesn't stop him when he leaves, though.

Dana invites Colin over to talk, and gives him the key back. She tells him she needs space, but he pushes in and kisses her. It's the opposite of space. She remembers what Peter said, about giving her the room she needs. She also recalls that he said "love." She realizes that she loves Peter, and leaves Colin in her wake.

She shows up at Peter's drenched from the rain, holding a pizza (her version of a big gesture). She tells him she loves him too. He's not totally sure he actually said he loved her, but, upon consideration, realizes he does. They kiss.

The two lie together as Peter tries to figure out if he should actually say he loves her, or let it ride out. When she turns to him, he blurts it out immediately.

She loves him too.