'Manhattan Love Story' 'Pilot' Recap

'Manhattan Love Story'  'Pilot' Recap On the street, a man checks out women, deciding who he would sleep with. Walking from the opposite direction, a woman decides which purses she would want. They pass each other, and there is a mutual flicker of interest.

It is the first day of work for the woman, Dana, who has moved from Atlanta to a new job in publishing, her dream career. Her friend Amy informs her that David's brother Peter is going to call and ask her out.

David has forgotten to tell this to Peter, so he calls and begs for him to go out with Dana. He finally agrees.

Dana looks for Peter on Facebook, but accidentally types his name into her status update instead of the search bar. Amy calls her on it.

When Dana gets to work, she is entering just as another employee who has been fired is leaving. She is met with hostility. In her new office she tries to text Peter back to accept the date but accidentally calls him.

All day she is ignored at the office. Finally she asks for work, and is told to go up the stairs to get a manuscript. As it is only one floor up, they tell her to not go on the elevator. She ends up locked in the stairwell and has to go down.

Furious and hurt, she goes to her date, checking herself outside before going in... unaware that Peter can see her adjustments and sniffs. She enters and they meet. Peter makes trophies, and as Dana tries to talk about her job, she calls him out on looking at her boobs.

A deaf man asks for donations for bracelets, and Dana wants to pay him, but Peter tells her the man is faking. He gives the guy twenty bucks to admit he is lying (he is). Dana also realizes that Peter could see her when she was checking herself outside. The turning point is when she tells Peter about her "list," which is all the things she wants to do now that she is in Manhattan. He reads it teasingly, and Dana begins to cry. Which leads to hiccups. She leaves.

Amy is mad at David, so David is now mad at Peter. The two of them insist he make it up to Dana so Amy can have harmony back in her life.

At work, Dana has secured the manuscript and edited it. She stands up for herself, and her co-workers reluctantly agree to help her, as long as she isn't after their jobs.

Peter goes to Amy's and David's apartment with flowers and apologizes to Dana, as directed by Amy. She is softened and agrees to go out again, but when she goes to get her jacket she overheads him mentioning that Amy forced him into it. She dismisses him.

At his office, Peter's sister has found the list in his drawer, and correctly guesses that he made fun of Dana for having it, even though Peter admits that some of the stuff on it sounds kind of fun. Dana finds him outside with a pedicab, and an offer to take her to the Statue of Liberty, without any push from Amy. He gives her a trophy for being an "offical New Yorker."

They go to see the Statue of Liberty, and Peter is surprisingly touched, even crying a little. He thinks this is a good move, but Dana wonders if he's gay.