'Making a Murder' Defendant Gets Legal Reprieve

'Making a Murder' Defendant Gets Legal Reprieve

In the clear … for now. A three-judge federal panel in Chicago ruled on Thursday, June 22, that the Brendan Dassey, a defendant featured in the Netflix series Making a Murderer, was coerced into confessing to his crimes, according to Reuters.

The panel voted 2-1 to uphold a federal judge’s August 2016 ruling to overturn Dassey’s murder conviction. At the time, Judge Willian Duffin ruled that Dassey, a 16-year-old with a learning disability at the time of his conviction, was to be released in November. Dassey’s release was delayed as Wisconsin authorities appealed Duffin’s decision.

Read the rest of this article at Us Weekly.

Making a Murder also featured the legal problems of Steve Avery.