Maisie Williams of 'Game of Thrones' Disses Emma Watson's Version of Feminism

Maisie Williams of 'Game of Thrones' Disses Emma Watson's Version of Feminism

Maisie Williams plays Arya Stark in "Game of Thrones," a character who laments the gender role she's been assigned as the daughter of a lord. But it seems that Arya's point of view doesn't necessarily reflect Maisie's.

In an interview with The Guardian, Williams lamented "first-world feminism" and criticized Emma Watson's efforts as a UN ambassador with her #HeForShe campaign.

"There are creepy things that people say online that I shouldn't have to read," Williams said, "but there are bigger things going on in other countries."
She went on to criticize what she called "first-world feminism," which she claims focuses on issues that are not as important as others in the world.
"A lot of what Emma Watson spoke about, I just think, 'that doesn't bother me.' I know things aren't perfect for women in the UK and in America, but there are women in the rest of the world who have it far worse."
In Watson's speech, she discussed traditional gender roles and how they harm both men and women in multiple ways, for example limiting women professionally and preventing men from being able to express their feelings, even if it could be necessary in the case of treating PTSD.
Williams has a point in that women in developing countries have it far worse that women in the UK or America. Malala Yousafzai, for example, is fighting a very different feminist battle to allow girls to attend school without fear of retribution or death from militant Islamic fundamentalist groups like the Taliban or ISIS.
However, it's important to note that just because one person doesn't have it quite as bad as another doesn't mean that his or her problems are invalid.
Additionally, one could argue that the further we go in neutralizing gender roles in our country, the more willing people of opposite genders will be in recognizing the problems of others.
Strangely, Williams is active in fighting Internet bullying, which (one would assume) falls into the category of "first-world" problems. Still, since she's young...and Arya Stark...we'll forgive her this one.