Mad Men Season 6: Will Don and Megan Be Divorced?

Mad Men Season 6: Will Don and Megan Be Divorced? Caution: "Mad Men" season 5 spoilers ahead!

If you saw the season 5 finale of "Mad Men," you know that Don's relationship with Megan isn't has picture perfect as he thought it would be. In fact, things were rough for the new couple from the beginning of the season when Megan Zou Bisou-ed her way into our hearts all the way through to the finale episode, where we found Rotten Don reverting to his womanizing ways.

That left open the question of what Don and Megan's marriage would look like in the opening of season 6. Will Don, realizing that his marriage can't be what he expected, get another divorce?

Probably not: "He loves her, and he gave her what she wanted," showrunner Matthew Weiner told TVLine. "I don’t know that the marriage is over."

In addition, let's not forget that Don is hopeless without a woman in his life. He's not going to give Megan up that easily, even if he has given up on fidelity. As for Megan, she might end up being a little more suspicious of Don's philandering than Betty was at first, but Don has proven to be pretty good at all of this.

What do you think, guys? Should we start a prediction pool for when Don's second marriage ends?