Lucy Lawless Arrested After 77-Hour Oil Protest

Lucy Lawless Arrest So, who wants to ask Lucy Lawless how her Oscar weekend went?

The former "Xena: Warrior Princess" cult TV icon and current co-star on Starz' "Spartacus" anthology was among seven Greenpeace protesters arrested Monday following a 77-hour protest aboard a Shell-owned oil-drilling ship in Port Taranaki, reports Us Weekly.

The native New Zealander and six others were charged with burglary, though Greenpeace representatives insist they did no damage and took no property after climbing up onto the Noble Discoverer Friday. The protesters now have a Thursday court date in New Plymouth.

"This chapter has ended, but the story of the battle to save the Arctic has just begun," Lawless said before being arrested. "Seven of us climbed up that drill ship to stop Arctic drilling, but 133,000 of us came down.

"We will continue to stand in solidarity with the communities and species that depend on the Arctic for their lives until Shell cancels its plans to drill in this magical world, and makes the switch to clean, sustainable energy," Lawless added.

Lawless' history with the environmental watchdog group goes back several years. Greenpeace named her a "climate ambassador" for its "Sign On" campaign in 2009.

If convicted, she could face up to 10 years in prison, under New Zealand law. Since there was no damage and no theft, though, it could be pretty safely guessed that she'd escape with little more than a fine and a stern warning against pulling that stunt again.