Louis CK and Ricky Gervais Use the N-Word in Old Video

Louis CK and Ricky Gervais Use the N-Word in Old Video

Get ready for the excuses that anything offensive can be said as long as it's in the name of comedy, and if it was said more than a few weeks ago, it doesn't count anyway. Those are sure to be the defenses of a 2011 video in which comedians Louis CK and Ricky Gervais use the n-word and make other racist jokes. Read on for details.

Via Deadline.

Some things don’t age that well — and one of them is a resurfaced video clip of Louis C.K., Ricky Gervais, Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld in the 2011 HBO special Talking Funny.

The video clip joins the conversation with C.K. saying: “When a black guy gets rich, it’s a countdown to when he’s poor again.” Everyone starts laughing and Rock refers to C.K., who wrote and directed Rock in 2001’s Pootie Tang, as “the blackest white guy I f***ing know.” He continues to say, “And all the negative things we think about black people, this f***er” before C.K. interrupts, “You’re saying I’m a n*****?”

When watched in 2018, it’s at this exact moment when you can hear eyebrows raise.

Rock responds to C.K.: “You are the n*****est f***ing white man I have ever [met]” while Gervais can be heard in the background cracking up.

Seinfeld, who seems uncomfortable during all of this N-word talk, serves as the voice of reason through all of this saying he doesn’t think C.K. should use the slur. Seinfeld also added that he wouldn’t use the word anywhere. At one point, Gervais even says the N-word — and laughs while doing so.

Get the rest of the story at Deadline.

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