Look out, Kristen Stewart! Now Disney is Making a THIRD 'Snow White' Movie!

With a long, long history of fairy tales behind us, it boggles the mind to consider that there will be not one, not two, but three "Snow White" movies coming out over the next couple of years.

Yes, a third contender has entered the fray, even as Relativity and their "Snow White" (with Lily Collins, Julia Roberts and Armie Hammer) duke it out with Universal and their "Snow White and the Huntsman" (with Kristen Stewart, Chris Hemsworth and Charlize Theron). Relativity and Universal have gotten a little catty, taking turns pushing their release dates up in front of the other's and both releasing images of their respective Snow Whites at Comic-Con.

But Disney isn't letting that stop them from continuing development on their adaptation, currently titled "The Order of the Seven," updated from "Snow and the Seven." According to THR, Disney's adaptation takes a very different approach: this time, Snow White is a girl in 19th century China who goes under the protection of seven legendary warriors from across the globe, each with a unique fighting style. Neat.

To Disney's credit, their movie was in development before the other two "Snow White" films were, but they took a little longer in getting around to it. And seeing as this is Disney we're talking about, I doubt they'll have any problem marketing this movie successfully and getting people to go see it, even though it will likely be released about six months to a year after the other two  "Snow White" films hit theaters.

Plus, of the three concepts this one sounds the coolest to me. It's a fresh take on the story, and though the Chinese warrior movies got a little overplayed after the success of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," I don't know if I'll ever tire of that esthetic.