'How To Live With Your Parents For The Rest of Your Life' Season 1, Episode 3: 'How to Live With the Academy Awards Party' Recap

'How To Live With Your Parents For The Rest of Your Life'  Season 1, Episode 3: 'How to Live With the Academy Awards Party' Recap The Academy Awards are her Polly’s family’s favorite holiday, and they put on a party in full glam. Polly tells them that she is bringing friends from work. They want to hook her up with one of their friends, but as usual, he is older and Polly declines.

At the market, she has invited her boss Gregg and friend Jenn. They see Scott Marcos, aka “Hot Scott,” come in, wearing scrubs. They are all impressed he is a doctor now—he used to live in their dorm. Polly hides, embarrassed by her situation. She takes off her apron and pretends she is buying wine.

He recognizes her and comes over to say hello. He says hi to Gregg, too, who he heard had killed himself. He tells Polly they should get together, and Jenn invites him to the Oscar party. He said he will go.

They review the evidence of his attraction on the security tape—an arm touch, eyes on the mouth, and lo and behold, a butt check. Polly freaks out because now she finally has a chance with Hot Scott, but she’s not the person everyone in college thought she would turn out to be.

Max shows Elaine a model for a new comedy club he wants to build. She suggest he show it to Harry, her architect brother he hates. Polly tells them that she has a boy coming to the party, so she will have Natalie sleep at Julian’s, and they are to pretend it is her house and mention that she has a lot of environmental projects in the works.

She goes to Julian’s to check out the room he has made up for Natalie. It’s very pink and cute. She is impressed.

At the Oscar party, she greets Hot Scott at the door wearing a pretty dress. Her parents, however, embarrass her immediately with a microphone, welcoming her date. Scott goes to get drinks, and Polly panics. She tells Gregg and Jenn she is going to do plan B: Get him drunk and take her top off.

Elaine’s brother Harry comes in and the two fawn on one another as Max watches in disgust.

At Julian’s, the sleepover is a success so far. Julian and Natalie play cowboys.

Polly is drinking a lot more, flirting openly with Scott. When he asks when she bought the house she distracts him and decides they should go swimming. She gets a phone call from Julian, and pretends it is Greenpeace. Natalie won’t go to sleep without her dog. Polly suggests he get a fish.

Max and Harry argue over the club idea. Elaine won’t take sides, infuriating her husband.

Julian gets a fish, and all seems to be going well, but then it jumps out of water. And then does it again. And then again, but this time while both are sleeping.

Polly finds an old set of swim trunks for Scott while he stares at butt. He says they should skip swimming move to kissing, but then glass shatters, and there is yelling. They run out to finds Harry and Max fighting over the model. Max has knocked over Harry, who shrieks. The tiny microphone from the model is stuck in his cheek implant. Scott starts to help remove it, but it falls out on its own. Max and Elaine argue again, and he tells her that he thinks she and her brother are unnaturally close.

Harry answers the phone as he recovers on the couch. It is Julian. He gives the phone to Polly, spilling the beans about her situation. She confesses to Scott.

Julian tells her the fish is dead and Natalie is crying and wants to go home. She leaves, but when she gets there Natalie is asleep. He did it himself. Polly has a fish, as she was going to convince Natalie to stay. Julian keeps it as a backup.

At home, Polly undresses, and dances in front of the mirror pretending to shoot guns. Scott pops up behind her—he was waiting in her room, hiding from her parents. He confesses he is not a doctor, he is a murse, and divorced with two boys. They kiss, and then do more.

Elaine comes in later and asks if Polly’s dreams came true, and if Scott will call. Polly says he better. She goes out and Scott reappears from under the covers. Elaine knocks again and tells him to move his car, it is street cleaning day.