Little Tripp Palin Calls Aunt 'Faggot' On Lifetime Reality Series

Little Tripp Palin Calls Aunt 'Faggot' On Lifetime Reality Series Kids: don't they just say the cutest things?

It's no exaggeration at this point to say that, if a Palin's lips are moving, then something mind-boggling this way comes. Even better, oh, how young the Alaskan padawans start their training.

Let's say, three years old?

Thanks to an upcoming episode of Lifetime's reality series "Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp," we see that the daughter of former Alaska governor and ex-vice presidential candidate has a spawn that may carry forth the family engage-mouth-before-brain practice ... once little Tripp is old enough to really know what he's saying.

As the clip below demonstrates, it all started when Bristol and Tripp's Aunt Willow kiboshed the tyke's yen to hit the pool. As hit tantrum hits high-gear, the adorable tot calls his aunt a "faggot" .... to gasps and giggles from both his aunt and mother. This would, after all, be the same beloved Aunt Willow that fired off a 2010 Facebook missive calling a classmate "so gay" and - yep - "a faggot."

Heaven, Hell and Time Lords help us when this kid discovers Twitter. At least Bristol admits that with Tripp in his very impressionable years, she's unfortunately still "doing a terrible job disciplining Tripp . . . I know he's going to continue to push the boundaries."

Also bearing noting: this would be the same show that resulted in a lawsuit filed against Bristol and Lifetime over footage of the now-infamous September 2011 altercation between Bristol and a belligerent bar patron in which Bristol openly questioned the angry man's sexuality.