What lies ahead for 'American Horror Story' Season 3?

Creator Ryan MWhat lies ahead for 'American Horror Story' Season 3? urphy shares some sparkling tidbits of the upcoming season of “American Horror Story.” With the dark and dreary second season ending next week, Murphy wants the next season to be “something that’s funnier.”

“I love this [current] season,” he says, “but I really miss that Jessica Lange as Constance stuff.”

But it won’t be a complete departure from the style that we’ve grown to love.

“There will be time periods, and there will also be different cities,” he teases. “The two seasons we’ve experienced do the majority of their storytelling through different time periods, allowing the viewer to get the ‘big picture.’”

As for the tone and direction of the new season, Murphy states, “it’s a mixture of several cities, and it’s really about female power.”

He adds that it’s “more historical in nature.”

“There is going to be a definite return to a youth element,” but assures us. “It’s a modern-day story.”

Murphy even tosses around the phrase “horror romance.”

The majority of his creative team is returning from season 1 and 2, adding to the anticipation and excitement of this new season.

The powerhouse mainstay Jessica Lange is confirmed to be returning, with the whole season revolving around her and her character.

“She’s going to play a real glamour cat lady,” hints Murphy.

In addition to Lange, two other “American Horror Story” alumni have signed on as well: Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters.

As for other potential alumni, he confirms they are hoping many will return, schedules permitting. He also has an eye out for fresh talent.

“I’m just now meeting with a lot of actors,” he states. “They’re actors that Jessica wants to work with.”

 He is happy to take her input, as she is now a non-credited producer for the upcoming season.