Lena Dunham Responds to Doggygate Criticism

Lena Dunham Responds to Doggygate Criticism

Lena Dunham has found herself having to defend her decision to give her dog Lamby to a special facility in Los Angeles after the shelter in which she adopted him criticized her for giving the pet away.

“It's come to my attention that the staff at the shelter where I adopted Lamby have a very different account of his early life and behavioral issues than I do. While I'm sorry to have disappointed them, I can't apologize,” she wrote on Instagram on Friday, July 7, alongside of a picture of a painting of Lamby.

“When I met him I knew we'd have an amazing journey. But his aggression - which was unpredictable- and his particular issues, which remain myriad, weren't manageable, at least not by me,” Dunham continued. “I did what I thought the best mother would do, which was to give him a life that provided for his specific needs.”

Read the rest of this article at Us Weekly.

Lena Dunham was the star of Girls.