Lemonade and Crack Cocaine: Gwyneth Paltrow Is Super Real (Duh)

Lemonade and Crack Cocaine: Gwyneth Paltrow Is Super Real (Duh) Once again, Paltrow wants the world to know just how real and down-to-earth she is.

As People reports, last weekend G-Pal proved she was like every other working momma, taking to the London streets to sell lemonade with her children.

The make-shift stand consisted of shipping boxes and offered lemonade and cookies for 1 £ each. Paltrow stood along side daughter Apple and 5-year-old son Moses. The stand’s signage also explained the “mony” raised would go to RSPCA.

RSPCA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, is the U.K.’s biggest animal welfare charity. Apple, like her mother, is a vegetarian at the ripe age of 7.

In other Gwynnie-news (hold your applause), the singer-actress will most likely not be returning to another season of “Glee.”

When asked about returning, Gwyneth told Glamour magazine, “No. I don’t think so. I don’t think I should. Though it’s honestly been one of the best jobs I’ve ever had.”

Sounds like she’ll have some freetime on her hands. Let’s hope she keeps it clean.

In a recent interview with The Mirror, the super foodie-star said "I'd rather do crack than eat cheese out of can."

Of course, this is the same in-touch celebrity who once told Conan ""I would rather die than let my kid eat Cup-A-Soup,"

We knew this lady was class.