Lea Michele Tried to Say Hi to Jessica Lange on the Red Carpet and It Was Really, Really Awkward

Lea Michele Tried to Say Hi to Jessica Lange on the Red Carpet and It Was Really, Really Awkward Sister Jude just seriously burned Rachel Berry.

Let's set the scene: Lea Michele, beloved star of "Glee" on Fox, was on the red carpet for the season premiere of "American Horror Story" in Los Angeles on Sunday. There she was, minding her own business and posing for the paparazzi, when she saw "AHS" star and Hollywood legend Jessica Lange approaching.

"This is my chance," Michele probably thought to herself. "I've adored Jessica for years, ever since 'Crimes of the Heart.' I can finally meet her. Should I call her Jessica or Ms. Lange? I don't want to sound too casual. But maybe Ms. Lange is too formal?"

As Michele prepared to launch into the speech that she undoubtedly had prepared for years on the off chance that she ever happened to meet her hero, Jessica Lange, she drew breath and opened her mouth to speak...

And Jessica Lange walked right by her.

Our account of things might be a bit embellished, but we're betting that's how it happened in Michele's head.

Seriously, check out the video below and watch as Lange doesn't even lift her head, and Michele is left to gather what's left of her shattered soul and smile at the cameras again. It's the very definition of cringe-worthy.