Lauren Graham Talks About the Future of 'Gilmore Girls'

Lauren Graham Talks About the Future of 'Gilmore Girls'

“I will never get tired of talking about this. I will be doing panels until I’m 95 years old,” Gilmore Girls star Lauren Graham told audience members at the Netflix FYSee panel held Thursday night in Beverly Hills.

The panel moderated by Graham’s former Parenthood costar, Mae Whitman, allowed Graham to reflect on her time on the show that grew to become a pop culture phenomenon.

When discussing the success of the Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life revival on Netflix, Graham noted that the show continues to be a dark horse for television success. On the red carpet, Graham told The Hollywood Reporter, “Netflix was like, 'We knew people liked it, but gosh we had no idea!’ We came back because of mainly the women who loved it and I just think that’s still something people are surprised about.”

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

Lauren Graham has also appeared in Bad Santa and Evan Almighty.