Late-Night Hosts Mock Trump for Divisive Campaign Ad

Late-Night Hosts Mock Trump for Divisive Campaign Ad

This week Donald Trump released a campaign ad featuring images of Latinos ostensibly storming the gates of America so they can commit violent crimes inside the country, leading many to accuse him of stoking racist hysteria ahead of next week's election. That's the narrative that fueled Thursday's late-night comedy segments anyway. Read on for details.

Via The Hollywood Reporter.

One day after President Donald Trump shared a racist ad about the caravan of Central American refugees headed to the U.S. border, late-night hosts slammed his foreboding rhetoric about the migrants on Thursday night.

Trump has endeavored to make the caravan a hot-button issue in an effort to gin up support for the GOP before the Nov. 6 vote. The ad he shared Wednesday drew comparisons between the caravan and one immigrant who was convicted of murdering two policemen, deported once and returned during the George W. Bush administration (the ad nevertheless stated, "Democrats let him into our country. Democrats let him stay.")

On The Late Show on Thursday, Colbert tackled Trump's official announcement of an order that he claimed would prohibit migrants crossing the border illegally from seeking asylum and lead to their imprisonment. Colbert started out by picking apart Trump's statement during the speech that "America is a welcoming country, and under my leadership it is a welcoming country."

"Good plan, Mr. President, warm up the crowd with a joke," Colbert said.

At another point, he attacked Trump's suggestion that immigrants asking for asylum were reading a memorized statement. "My god, could you imagine someone telling a federal official a phrase they couldn't believe in?" Colbert asked. He then played a clip of Trump pledging to "preserve, protect and defend" during his presidential inauguration.

Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.

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