Late-Night Hosts Mock Trump for Border Wall Tantrum

Late-Night Hosts Mock Trump for Border Wall Tantrum

All the late-night hosts found it impossible to resist mocking Donald Trump for his behavior during a televised meeting with Representative Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer. Read on to see how they did it.

Via Deadline.

President Donald Trump got “worked by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi today,” Jimmy Kimmel told Jimmy Kimmel Live viewers, as he and other late-night TV hosts feasted off the latest banquet POTUS laid out for them. This meal was a private meeting between Trump and Dem leaders Rep Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer that Trump decided to invite TV cameras to witness.

It made for epic TV, Kimmel noted.

Trump told the two Dems, and TV cameras, he would be “proud” to shut down the government unless Congress fully funds the border wall he told us Mexico would be paying for.

“He’s basically a toddler threatening to keep screaming on the floor of Toys R Us until Congress buys him a Hatchimal,” Kimmel snarked.

“This meeting was something else…Pelosi kept demanding that they have a fact-based debate about border security.  Has she met the President?” Kimmel wondered.

Adding TV cameras to the meeting did not accomplish much, other than possibly launching a new reality TV franchise,” Kimmel said by way of introducing video of Trump, Pelosi and Schumer starring in a new Real Housewives edition.

“The best part of the meeting was Mike Pence just sitting there quietly, patiently waiting to be President, not saying a word,” Kimmel joked.

Get the rest of the story at Deadline.

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