Late-Night Hosts Call Out Trump for Identifying 'the Enemy'

Late-Night Hosts Call Out Trump for Identifying 'the Enemy'

Donald Trump claims that recent mail bomb attacks on political and media figures are the fault of the victims for criticizing him, and that a deadly attack on a synagogue was the fault of the synagogue for not having an armed guard. Late-night hosts thinks someone else is to blame for the incidents. Read on for more.

Via The Hollywood Reporter.

After President Donald Trump referred to the media as the “enemy of the people,” late night hosts Trevor Noah and Seth Meyers fought back against Trump’s statement, arguing that he is influencing violence throughout the country.

“I know America’s never going to agree on gun control but can we at least talk about van control?” The Daily Show’s Noah said after showing photographs of the bomber’s alleged van found donned in Pro-Trump stickers. “Let’s be honest, nothing good comes from a van. It’s either pedophiles or kidnappers or bombers.”

Noah also mentioned that despite the stickers on the van being trademarks of Trump such as “CNN sucks,” “Fake News,” and “Lock Her Up," Trump refuses to acknowledge any correlation. "America’s orange turtle has decided that it has nothing to do with him," Noah added, before addressing Trump's use of phrasing against the media.

“If you know a phrase has been used to encourage people to commit acts of violence why would you not stop using that phrase? You either want to encourage violence or you don’t care,” Noah argued, asking why Trump couldn’t simply “stop” using the negative phrase.

“If the President of the United States called someone the enemy of the people, don’t be shocked when the people go after that enemy,” he warned.

Noah also said that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is most likely to defend Trump’s words as being an “expression." "Then why not use another expression? If you realize this one is dangerous why not use another one? There’s another way to criticize someone without going too far. Try using poopy-head.”

Noah then quipped, "Even the worst Yelp review in the world would never use that phrase."

Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.

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