Larry Wilmore Rants on 'Crazypants White Lady' Rachel Dolezal

Larry Wilmore Rants on 'Crazypants White Lady' Rachel Dolezal

Rachel Dolezal, the Spokane NAACP leader who turned out to be a white women pretending to be black, became a national story in less than a week. Naturally, Larry Wilmore of "The Nightly Show" had to do a segement about her.

"It is her opinion that she is black," Wilmore said during Monday night's show. "Much like climate change denial, this is not based on science. Sorry lady, you are white, you don't get an opinion on this. This is not a Buzzfeed quiz."

Wilmore cracked joke after joke about Dolezal's choices in the segment (aptly titled "Crazypants White Lady Pretends to Be Black"). "When asked if she was African-American, Ms. Dolezal said she didn't understand the question," Wilmore said. "They should have asked her, 'A boat is leaving from Africa; were your ancestors above deck or below deck?'"

The "Nightly Show" host also shared one of the circulating photos of a young Dolezal, before her tanning and new hairstyle, comparing her looks to actress Laura Linney. "She's not just white," Wilmore joked, "she's Laura Linney white."

Check out the bit below: