Lance Armstrong Admits Doping To Oprah

Lance Armstrong Admits Doping To Oprah Lance Armstrong will be admitting to the world he has doped during his career on a two-part Oprah Winfrey special.

Winfrey will say very little about the episode, but she says he “did not come clean in the manner [she] expected.”

However, Winfrey says she was “satisfied” by his “forthcoming” answers.

“I would say that he met the moment,” she added. “I don’t think ‘emotional’ begins to describe the intensity or difficulty he experienced in talking about some of these things.”

Armstrong reportedly wants to return to competition in triathlons. On Tuesday, the World Anti-Doping Agency announced that, to get a reduction in his lifetime ban from competitive sports, Armstrong must confess to doping under oath.

“Only when Mr. Armstrong makes a full confession under oath - and tells the anti-doping authorities all he knows about doping activities - can any legal and proper process for him to seek any reopening or reconsideration of his lifetime ban commence."

Until now, Armstrong has vehemently denied any wrongdoings, and called investigations against him a “witch hunt.”

He was up against claims of having participated while under the influence of performance-enhancing drugs, and bribing The International Cycling Union to cover up detection during tests.

Armstrong gave an apology speech to his 100 Livestrong Foundation employees in a small conference room, reportedly tearing up. Livestrong spokesperson Katherine McLane called his statements “heartfelt and sincere.” Armstrong finished with a hope that Livestrong workers would continue to stay focused on the foundation’s mission, which is to help cancer patients and their families.

How do you feel about Armstrong’s admission?

The first part of the special will air Thursday, 1/17, on the OWN channel, at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.