Lady Gaga Threatens to Sue Breast Milk Ice Cream Makers

Lady Gaga Threatens to Sue Breast Milk Ice Cream Makers Lady Gaga may be focused on her own “incubation” and “rebirth” but don’t dare associate her name with any type of breast milk-based ice cream.

Apparently, that’s too provocative – even for the raw meat wearing diva. Which is why Lady Gaga is threatening to sue a London ice cream parlor that is using a portion of her name to sell ice cream made with human breast milk.

The Icecreamists were warned of a lawsuit in a letter from Gaga’s attorneys asking them to stop using the name “Baby Gaga” on their menu. The confection, they wrote, was “deliberately provocative and, to many people, nausea-inducing."

Gaga’s lawyers continued, “The references you are making to Lady Gaga are thus clearly deliberate and intended to take advantage of her reputation and good will. Associating the Lady Gaga mark with a food product which may be unsafe for human consumption (owing to the risk of it carrying such viruses as hepatitis) is also highly detrimental."

What Lady Gaga (and legal team) may not have realized, was that the ice cream is not being sold at the moment. The ice cream has been confiscated by health officials until it can be cleared as safe for consumption.

"It is worth noting that this ice cream was on sale for just a few hours before it was banned by Westminster Council, so it's not as if its been a best seller for a parlor where the paint is barely dry and the doors open just over a week," owner Matt O' Connor said in his blog. "Nobody seems to have told her it is no longer for sale."

PopEater reports that more than 15 women have volunteered to donate milk, which sells for $23 per serving. The first volunteer, Victoria Hiley, was a registered blood donor and was examined at a clinic prior to donating 32 oz. for 50 servings.

O’Connor calls the situation a “David and Goliath” battle, and writes:

“The world's biggest superstar has taken umbrage with the world's smallest ice-cream parlor. For Lady Gaga to accuse us of stealing her image is laughable when you consider how much she has borrowed from popular culture to create her look and music. She also seems to have forgotten that since the dawn of time the word gaga has been one of the first discernible phrases to come from a baby's mouth. This is why we chose the name.”

He also questioned her judgment on how “distasteful” his product is in comparison to her blood-spurting performance on MTV or the clothing she wears that is “fabricated from the flesh of dead animals.”

Interestingly, Gaga’s name comes from a Queen song, “Radio Ga-Ga” after producer Rob Fusari compared her vocals to those of lead singer Freddy Mercury.

According to PopEater, when the ice cream went on sale, “women in Gaga-inspired garb” dished the sweet stuff into a martini glasses. Then, liquid nitrogen was poured into the ice cream with a syringe, which was accompanied by a baby teething biscuit.

While the ice cream is not currently on sale, it remains unclear whether or not Lady Gaga will sue. In the meantime, O’Connor has filed for a trademark on Baby Gaga.