Lady Gaga: On Kegels & Hollywood (Plus a 'Born This Way' Bollywood Remix)!

Lady Gaga: On Kegels & Hollywood (Plus a 'Born This Way' Bollywood Remix)! Hollywood is not for Lady Gaga, but a hot new remix says that Bollywood is.

Gaga recently gave “Born This Way” another remix with an Indian twist. Indian music composers, Salim and Sulaiman gave the Gaga hit new vocals and Indian instruments like the sitar, dholak, and dhol.

While Gaga is hot for India’s center of film production, she says Hollywood is not for her and likens her attempts to embrace the culture to a very graphic reaction.

"I put my toe in that water, and it was a Kegel-exercise vaginal reaction where I clenched and had to retract immediately," she told Harper’s Bazar. "I ran furiously back to New York, to my old apartment, and I hung out with my friends, and I went to the same bars."

Gaga said she’s not worried about her cultural choices because the material gains are not her priority.

"What means something to me is my music," she said. "I don't want to make money; I want to make a difference."

As Lady Gaga continues to expand her remixes to multiple genres, you can expect other artists to follow suit. In the meantime, you can have a listen to her unique remix, here: