Kurt Sutter: Not Surprised by Johnny Lewis' Death

Kurt Sutter: Not Surprised by Johnny Lewis' Death "Sons of Anarchy" creator Kurt Sutter has opened up about the death of former "SOA" actor Johnny Lewis, who fell to his death Wednesday and is suspected of murdering his landlady. But it's not shock that Sutter is expressing.

"I wish I could say that I was shocked by the events of last night, but I was not," wrote Sutter on Twitter. "It was a tragic end for an extremely talented guy, who unfortunately had lost his way."

Sutter also noted the death of Lewis' landlady, 81-year-old Catherine Davis: "I am deeply sorry that an innocent life had to be thrown into his destructive path," he wrote.

Sutter's lack of surprise isn't unexpected considering Lewis' criminal record, which is now coming to light. The actor was arrested three times this year: once for a felony assault with a deadly weapon, again for battery when he sucker punched a stranger on the street, and a third time for burglary when he broke into a woman's house and then fled the scene. Lewis had just been released from jail six days before his death, according to TMZ.

On the strange side, E! reports that there was a third body at the crime scene on Wednesday: a dead cat that apparently belonged to Davis or one of the tenants.

Lewis' autopsy has been scheduled, which will reveal if the incident was drug-related. Lewis had been ordered to rehab as a result of his previous crimes.