Kristen Stewart as Casey Anthony? 'Gross!' Says K-Stew

If the O.J. Simpson case taught us anything, it's that we as a media-hungry nation have a thirst for appalling court cases with surprising verdicts. But the Casey Anthony case has left even the most gossip-oriented news junkies feeling's a whole new ballgame with Anthony, going far beyond the Simpson drama.

Many of us are feeling a little grossed out by it, and Kristen Stewart is no exception. Poor K-Stew started popping up in headlines related to Casey Anthony because people thought she would be a great choice to play the acquitted murderer in a movie about the trial.

While Stewart could have been flattered by the trust in her acting abilities, any warm fuzzy feelings were smothered by disgust at the fact that people see a physical resemblance between the convict and the actress.

Both have long, brown hair, brooding eyes, mousy features and even the same shaped eyebrows. Stewart thankfully has her movie-star good looks to distinguish her, but still, the similarities are there.

A source near Stewart says that her people are "really annoyed at the Casey Anthony comparisons" and that "no amount of money" could get Stewart to play her in a movie. "It's grossing her out," the source added.

Poor Kristen. We feel for you. You could always go blonde for a while, you know...