Kris Humphries Signs $150K Watch Endorsement Deal

Kris Humphries Signs $150K Watch Endorsement Deal Poor Kris Humphries. He put up with being married to Kim Kardashian for nearly 72 days, and yet due to Kim's pre-nup, he'll get no money from the divorce. What's a locked-out, unemployed basketball player to do?

Answer: land an endorsement deal.

Kris Humphries has signed a deal with Sector to endorse their watches, to the tune of $150,000. It's not the biggest deal, but considering the rest of the NBA season is unlikely to happen thanks to the lockout, Kris will probably take whatever he can get at this point.

So, in honor of this momentous occasion, here are a few useful things you can do with your new Sector watch, Kris:

-Count down the minutes until your marriage ends!

-Watch every second of your 15 minutes of fame tick by!

-Combine it with a calculator to find out how much you're paying your hotshot divorce attorney!

-Stare at it impatiently as you wait for next year's basketball season to start so you won't be unemployed anymore!

-Polished steel and stylish watch face distract from the absence of a wedding band on your finger!

-Throw it at your ex-wife's face!

You're welcome, Kris! And considering you're a free agent in a season that has no basketball, I'm sure you can find 101 other uses for your new stylish Sector timepiece.