Report: Kris Humphries Was No Kardashian Fan Before Meeting Kim

Report: Kris Humphries Was No Kardashian Fan Before Meeting Kim It’s hard telling what recent comments by Kris Humphries’ ex-girlfriend depict more unpleasantly: Humphries’ hypocrisy, or just how truly different he and his ex-wife Kim Kardashian were at their cores from the very start.

Former two-year Humphries flame Bianka Kamper told InTouch recently that the presently locked-out-of-work ex-New Jersey Nets power forward not only was a parasite getting a fame-rub from marrying into Club Kardashian, but seemingly never said a good word about the wealthy family before hooking up with and spending 72 days married to Kim.

“He would call the Kardashians ‘garbage.’ He would never watch the show with me,” said Kamper, apparently not likely among the 25,000 signatures demanding that E! cancel “Keeping Up with The Kardashians” over the pair’s quickie-divorce scandal.

“He always bad-mouthed (the show) and said it was trashy. He would ask ‘Why are you watching that?’ He would say ‘When you’re ready to watch something that’s a lot more educational and not a load of garbage, I’m in the other room.’”

Judging from Kamper’s comments, it’s questionable how much Humphries himself was ever exactly backing Team Kim from the get-go. Kamper claims Humphries routinely called his eventual wife “fake” way back when and claimed that only “making a sex tape” brought her fame. She does paint Humphries in a somewhat more positive light by pointing out that “Kris was a penny-pincher. He would do anything he could to save money, and he definitely did not buy expensive clothes.”

Now, contrast all that with Kim’s sob-story declaration “I married for love. I can’t even believe I have to defend this.”

Consider also who had the more shrewd financial planning laid forth. Humphries was clearly thinking long-term initially, but marrying into this bunch was a lot like throwing money behind a penny-stock in today’s market: sure, there’s profit to be made, but it takes an iron stomach to ride out the dark days until investments rebound and that bargain stock starts paying big dividends.

Humphries clearly lacked the guts to ride it out and find a way to make it work.

Kim, on the other hand? Windfall, baby. The family reportedly made a cool $257 thousand per day from the wedding, though Kim denies that vehemently.