Kris and Bruce Jenner Officially File for Divorce

Kris and Bruce Jenner Officially File for Divorce The king and queen of the Kardashian royal family are officially splitting up.

Kris Jenner has filed for divorce from husband Bruce Jenner, as confirmed by E! News. The legal split comes roughly one year after the couple announced that they would be separating, though at the time divorce wasn't mentioned as a possibility.

The couple has stayed surprisingly friendly through the split, continuing to shoot scenes for "Keeping Up with The Kardashians" together. They even celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary back in April, with Kris wishing her husband well on social media.

In Kris' divorce filing, she cited the standard for celebrity couples, "irreconcilable differences." There was no pre-nup for the relationship, so Kris and Bruce will have to divide up their assets in the divorce proceedings. In the case of Kylie Jenner, who is still 17, Kris has filed for joint custody.

However, since the couple separated last year, any income that the two earned will belong to them alone, so any windfalls Kris got as Kim's manager for her blockbuster mobile game will not be divided up.

Meanwhile, Bruce has responded to the divorce news by going out and buying a $50,000 race car. We're guessing that if Kris could, she would probably cite that as reason for the split.