Kim Kardashian Wrote Her Mom a Brutally Honest Email About Her Clothing Choices

Kim Kardashian Wrote Her Mom a Brutally Honest Email About Her Clothing Choices

Kim Kardashian considers herself a fashionista, so if you're related to her and you're falling behind the current trends, she will let you know.

Case in point, Kim sent a blunt but honest email to her mother and manager, Kris Jenner, imploring her to stop what she's doing fashion-wise.

"I love u mom but no more pilgrim adams family outfits," Kim wrote.

Actually, hang on. Let's put this in here in image form so you can see how the email was originally written. It's like a haiku of bitchiness.

On one hand, this seems an awful thing to say to your own mother. On the other hand, Kris Jenner is terrible and she really does dress like she's in some kind of goth version of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, so Kim said what we were all thinking.

Also, this is exactly the level of command of the written word that we expected Kim to have. Perhaps if she finally stopped using a Blackberry she would be able to type better and get some autocorrect going.

We apologize on Kim's behalf to the "omish" people.
