Khloe Kardashian-- Her Struggle With Infertility.

Khloe Kardashian-- Her Struggle With Infertility. In a surprisingly poignant clip from "Keeping Up with The Kardashians," sister Kim Kardashian spills the beans about Khloe’s struggle to have children in front of her family.

“Basically, everything looks good, like her insides…” Kim begins in typical analytic, cerebral fashion.

“But I don’t ovulate,” Khloe interrupts, unable to hide her bitterness.

Can’t help that she’s sitting next to Kourtney, whose huge pregnancy boobs are another topic of conversation, and who popped out baby Penelope just weeks later.

Essentially Khloe, with the support of her husband, Lamar Odom, will have to undergo fertility treatments to conceive.

Khloe isn’t able to hide her unhappiness in the short video, as her family tries clumsily to console her and reassure her that she’ll be able to get pregnant.

Poor Khloe. She, at least in my opinion, is the most likeable of the three vapid sisters, or at least the most amusing, and her upset in even this short video is a little bit heartbreaking.

Add to this that she and Odom recently had a "huge" fight, which has resulted in Odom high-tailing it to Las Vegas and leaving the little woman at home trying to contact him. Was this fight due to rumors that Odom doesn’t like the idea of airing their baby struggles all over television?

“I was just shocked that it got to the point that Lamar bailed on her. That’s not even like him so I know this had to be their first big fight for him to react like that,” the source, a member of the family, stated.

Poor Khloe. That kind of stress is no good on a marriage! Maybe Odom’s not wrong in wanting to keep their private struggles, well, private.

Although we’d miss Khloe’s quips and surly attitude. They help balance out Kim's painful language.