Kevin Spacey Loses Another Job

Kevin Spacey Loses Another Job

When Kevin Spacey's career ended, it ended spectacularly. After numerous accusations that the actor has committed sexual assault, Spacey has become a Hollywood pariah. His popular Netflix series House of Cards was shelved, and Netflix says it would no longer work with him. Now director Ridley Scott is going to great expense and trouble to remove Spacey from a new thriller before its December release date.

Via The Hollywood Reporter.

In a monumental and expensive move, Ridley Scott will remove embattled actor Kevin Spacey from his finished thriller All the Money in the World just weeks before the film's release.

Christopher Plummer will now play J. Paul Getty in the story about the infamous 1973 kidnapping of his grandson, 16-year-old John Paul Getty III.

The movie, which was pulled as the closing-night screening of AFI Fest at Scott's insistence, is scheduled to hit theaters Dec. 22 via Sony's TriStar. As of now, the release date remains unchanged despite the reshoots, but insiders say that if anyone can pull off reshoots and still make the holiday release date, it's Scott.

The filmmaker made the decision unilaterally and only notified Sony of his decision late Wednesday afternoon, according to sources familiar with the situation, adding that Plummer was originally the first choice for the role, but top studio executives wanted a bigger name.

Spacey shot a total of eight days and many of his scenes featured just him. Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams also star in the feature, as J. Paul Getty's lawyer and daughter, and the two are expected to come back for reshoots.

It is not clear how Scott will produce the Spacey-Plummer swap, but bringing back the actors for filming and finishing the movie on this razor-tight schedule is an enormous undertaking. Another equally complicated option may be the use of delicate visual effects work. One challenge for such VFX work is that many of Spacey’s scenes were shot in different locations.

Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.

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