Keshia Knight Pulliam Stands By Bill Cosby

Keshia Knight Pulliam Stands By Bill Cosby

Keshia Knight Pulliam, who played Bill Cosby’s youngest daughter on “The Cosby Show,” continued to voice her support for her TV dad Wednesday — as jurors entered their third day of deliberations.

Pulliam, 38, was one of the first celebrities to publicly support Cosby at his sex assault trial, showing up to court with “America’s Dad” last week for opening arguments.

“It was important for me to be there because at the end of the day, I truly believe you’re innocent until proven guilty, and that’s just not the man that I ever experienced,” Knight Pulliam said on NBC’s “Today” show.

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Keshia Knight Pulliam played Cosby's young daughter Rudy on The Cosby Show.