Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad Causes Outrage

Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad Causes Outrage

Starting in 1909, imprisoned suffragettes protested with life-threatening hunger strikes. In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. In 2012, Malala Yousafzai, undeterred by a Taliban gunman’s attempt on her life, continued to advocate on behalf of women’s rights and education. And in 2017, super model and Keeping Up with The Kardashians cast member Kendall Jenner participated in a fake protest as part of a Pepsi ad campaign.

On Monday, America’s second favorite cola company—let’s be real here, Coke would have won the popular vote—released an ad that’s tailor-made to the Trump era. Apparently, someone over at Pepsi noticed that, ever since Trump got elected, people have been more inclined to shout things in the street and make genitalia-inspired crafts. “How can we capitalize on this political energy?” thought the industrious employee. “Which hot young celebrity/social media influencer can we hire to convince consumers that Pepsi is the carbonated soft drink of the Resistance?”

Read the rest of this article at The Daily Beast.