Kendall Jenner Hits Obsessed Fan with Restraining Order

Kendall Jenner Hits Obsessed Fan with Restraining Order

Kendall Jenner can rest easy knowing an obsessed fan must stay far away from her.

On Wednesday, a judge granted Jenner, 21, a permanent restraining order against Thomas Hummel, who sent the model and reality star a number of letters confessing his love.

According to E! News, Jenner wasn’t in court but her attorney, Shawn Holley, provided the judge with a declaration from Jenner’s security detail.

Hummel was ordered to stay at least 100 yards away from Jenner and make no contact with her over the next three years.

He is also forbidden from owning any guns while the order is still in place.

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Kendall Jenner is one of the stars of Keeping Up with The Kardashians.