Kellie Pickler: Bald??

Kellie Pickler: Bald?? Don’t worry, everyone, Kellie Pickler isn’t pulling a Britney.

The beautiful country singer and "American Idol" star appeared on “Good Morning America” to have her lovely locks completely removed, but why the public display?

It was a show of support for her best friend and “sister” Summer Holt Miller, who was diagnosed in June with breast cancer. Miller also had her hair buzzed off on the show, alongside Pickler. The two decided to chop off their hair together in Nashville.

"If this compels even one person to change their mentality toward waiting until the age of 40 for their mammogram, then it will be worth it," says Miller.

Miller has already undergone a double mastectomy and will be beginning chemotherapy. The 35-year-old mother of two discovered she had the disease when she noticed a suspicious lump on her breast.

“Cancer does not discriminate” Pickler said.

She built up the suspense with some teasing tweets this week, writing, the day of the show:

“It’s been a great, life-changing day.” She added “Be sure to watch ‘Good Morning America’ tomorrow morning. You won’t want to miss this!!! ;)”

The show premiered the star sans hair on September 5th.

So what do you think? Even without hair Pickler is still a strikingly attractive lady---Miller too—and a maneuver like that proves that it’s not just on the outside.

As of August, Miller has been declared cancer-free, but must begin the arduous process of chemotherapy to be sure that her body is cleared of the deadly cancer.

Best of luck to Miller in overcoming this, and a special slow clap to Pickler for being a true, supportive friend.