Katie Holmes is Styled By Four Year Old Suri Cruise

Katie Holmes is Styled By Four Year Old Suri Cruise Katie Holmes lets her four year old daughter Suri, dress her. And style her.  And tell her where to shop. Isn’t that a little strange?

It is almost always the other way around, that a mother dresses the child and the child complains about it. Not in this situation, apparently.

Suri and Katie have a unique relationship.

Maybe the strange part is that Katie is out in public not wearing pink tutus and striped tops. Suri might actually have an uncanny fashion sense before she even hits Elementary School! How cool would that be – having a child that can put outfits together for you and have them look outstanding instead of ridiculous.

Katie just released this information in an interview she does for ELLE magazine.

Katie on Suri’s fashion sense: “She’ll really tell me what she thinks. Like today I’m wearing brown suede pants, and she said, ‘I don’t like your pants.’” Holmes explains Suri’s advice isn’t all harsh, though: “But then she’ll say, ‘You’ve got to wear these shoes.’ Or ‘That’s so pretty, Mom. Wear that.’ She’s got a great eye.”

Suri is an instinctual shopper: “The other day we came out of a store, and she said, ‘I want to go there,’ pointing at another store quite a distance away. In that store was the dress that she wanted. I said, ‘Wow, Suri. You’re something. You picked that out from a football field away.’”

It’s a good thing Tom Cruise still makes a lot of money. It sounds like Suri is going to run an expensive tab for him at all the finest clothing stores.