Kathy Griffin Gets One More Shot at CNN New Year's Eve Party

Kathy Griffin Gets One More Shot at CNN New Year's Eve Party Kathy Griffin has an iron clad contract with CNN this year. Did you watch her on last year’s show, when she sat next to Anderson Cooper and dropped an F-bomb on live TV. Yeah, oops.

Even though it was New Year’s and people were in a festive mood, the producers didn’t like the little surprise she dished out in front of millions of people. It cost them a little bit of air time to apologize for her mouth.

Kathy is a comedienne and they have foul mouths sometimes. However, the prime time celebration on TV was not the place for her antics. The network was quite ticked – even though it generated a lot of buzz for their show – after the fact.

They can’t be too mad though, because they brought Kathy back for the second year in a row, to sit with Anderson and watch the ball drop on 2011. Except her second chance comes with conditions.

Kathy said she can’t utter one F-bomb or she will get yanked from the TV. As in, they will cut to commercial and she will be escorted off the set, leaving poor Anderson to finish on his own. This is what Kathy said to Howard Stern via Popeater about the upcoming event:

She told Howard Stern that it's "in my contract that I can't say f**k." Last year the never-subtle comedienne dropped more than the Times Square ball during a discussion on Falcon "Balloon Boy" Heene. Yes, she mangled the kid's first name.

Following last year's flub, CNN issued an apology and subsequently barred Kathy from the network before inviting her back to co-host with Anderson Cooper again.

It begs the question ... is CNN acting like a parent that's rewarding their trouble-making kid?

Will you be watching Kathy and Anderson this year? Can she go without swearing?