The Kardashian/West Baby... Do We Know The Gender?

The Kardashian/West Baby... Do We Know The Gender? Do we know the sex of the Kardashian/West baby? Possibly.

A friend close to the “Keeping Up with The Kardashians” star has let slip that Kim and her singer boyfriend will be welcoming a baby girl.

“They’re over the moon,” the source says. “Kanye always wanted a girl!”

No confirmation from the couple has come regarding this tidbit of news, but supposedly Kardashian has been convinced all along she is carrying a girl.

“Kim’s instincts tell her she is going to have a daughter,” said another friend.

If the news is true and another Kardashian female will be joining the clan, expect the tiny tot to be well-dressed.

“If anyone knows Kanye, they know how into fashion he is, and I think he’s going to have things specially made,” Kardashian has said. “So I don’t think hand-me-downs are going to work.”

Kardashian added, “He is so excited. It’s really cute how excited he is.”

And if the baby is indeed a girl, does the couple have any names picked out?

Reportedly, Kardashian is a fan of the name “Liv,” since she is a fan of Liv Tyler, and also frequents a Miami nightclub by the same name.

Until the due date, at least we know one thing for sure—Kardashian is doing her best to keep her body healthy, frequenting the gym and watching what she eats.

"I used to always say I can't wait to get pregnant because I will just eat whatever I want, but it's completely different,” she told Du Jour . “

I'm like, OK, I want to eat as healthy as possible. Though lately I've been watching shows like ‘I'm Pregnant and Addicted to Meth.’ It definitely makes me feel better if I'm wanting one sip of Diet Coke or, you know, too much sugar. I'm like… this woman is on meth."