Kanye Goes on a Pro-Elon-Musk Rant

Kanye Goes on a Pro-Elon-Musk Rant

Kanye West feels passionately about a lot of things, including, apparently Donald Trump and Elon Musk. While the rationality of his opinions might be in question, he never hesitates to deliver them. Loudly. Read on for details.

Via Page Six.

Kanye West gave an impromptu lesson to students at a Michigan art school — jumping on a table and telling kids to “leave Elon Musk the f–k alone.”

“Elon Musk, I don’t give a f–k who’s over at his house, leave that man the f–k alone,” the 41-year-old rapper ranted during his Tuesday visit to Detroit’s College of Creative Studies.

It’s unclear what prompted the outburst, which was captured on video and posted to Twitter by a student named Josh.

West may have been referencing comments Azealia Banks made in August about the Tesla CEO.

Banks claimed she was at Musk’s home to work on music with his former girlfriend, singer Grimes, and had to wait around “while Grimes coddled her boyfriend for being too stupid to know not to go on Twitter while on acid.”

Musk recently settled a lawsuit with the Securities & Exchanges Commission for $20 million over a tweet he made that month, where he claimed he’d secured enough funding to take Tesla private.

West touted the need for innovation before his rant about Musk. During his visit to Detroit, West also hung out with Quicken Loans founder Dan Gilbert and StockX CEO Josh Luber, according to the Detroit Free Press.

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

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