Kanye Awkwardly Posted a Bunch of Nude Photos of Kim Kardashian on Twitter

Kanye Awkwardly Posted a Bunch of Nude Photos of Kim Kardashian on Twitter

Kanye West is very proud of Kim Kardashian. He's also apparently very proud of Kim Kardashian's boobs.

West went on Twitter last night to heap all kinds of congratulations on his reality star wife, pairing each message of support with a nude photo of Kim.

"I'M SO LUCKY," Kanye wrote in all caps, as he is wont to do on Twitter, paired with a pic of Kim during a fully nude photo shoot. He tweeted out a few more messages, such as, "CONGRATS BABY ON 30 MILLION TWITTER FOLLOWERS" and "CONGRATS BABY ON THE SHOW PREMIERE LAST NIGHT."

Each message was accompanied by a nude photo from the shoot. Eventually, Kanye ran out of things to congratulate Kim on and just started writing "SWISH!" over and over again, each time with a new photo.

We're all about public praise and encouragement from your supportive spouse of social media, but did the nipples have to get involved?