Justin Bieber Crashes Wedding with Selena Gomez (VIDEO)

Take note, Bieber-ites: the way you get Justin Bieber to show up to an event is to sing his songs really loudly over karaoke.

That's what lead Bieber and his girlfriend Selena Gomez to crash the Malibu wedding of a couple on Friday night. Bieber claimed that he was driving past the wedding and heard one of his songs being sung over karaoke by one of the wedding guests, and decided to check it out.

Bieber snapped some pictures with the guests (and the bride and groom of course) before taking off again. Gomez waited patiently off to the side.

The pop star tweeted about the incident the next morning: "WEDDING CRASHERS last night," he said, "hahaha. Too funny. Crazy story."

So if you see a 13-year-old girl singing Justin Bieber karaoke with a loudspeaker aimed out her window, don't be surprised.

Check out a video shot by one of the wedding guests. Careful of the screaming.